Addvantage Programme


We would like to thank you for registering block entries only through the British Council.

 Congratulations for achieving Bronze level for the registrationsthat took place from January to December 2016.

 We would also like to remind you about the multitude of online resources free of charge which is described in our Addvantage brochure.


Achieving the Bronze level will entitle you to receive all the other benefits:


  •   your school details on our website
  • exam presentations for clients, candidates and their parents for a significant number of participants
  •  one free of charge Aptis or Aptis for Teens examination
  •  a British Council Addvantage© certificate 
  •  the right to use the Addvantage© logo on your promotional materials (the logo is attached in the email)


The logo must be used only by the schools which are members of the Addvantage© programme.


When using the logo, we strongly advise you to take into consideration the following guidelines:


-       To ensure the logo remains consistent it should always be used at a size that’s appropriate and with clear space around it.

-       Never stretch or crop the logo and never place the logo in a box.

-       Do not recreate the logo, never alter the proportions of the logo and don’t change the colour – use only the colour version provided.